Worship with us

Find a Community of Faith

Service at 10 am every Sunday

Connect with us

Are you looking for companions along the way?

We are called to walk alongside one another, to share one another’s burdens, to laugh together, to grieve together, to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, provide shelter for the homeless, to work for justice and peace, to be the presence of Jesus in the world. Come walk along with us on the way to new life.

Serve with us

Our hearts and hands are open to the needs of the wider community.

Due to the impending storm, Christ Lutheran will worship via zoom
on Sunday Feb. 9 at 10:00.

There will be no in person service or livestream. Contact the office for the link.


The Semi-Annual Meeting is postponed to Sunday February 16 following the service.


Our worship is on Sunday mornings at 10 am. We are located at 113 Union Street in Natick, MA.


You can find us on Facebook and Instagram. You can also watch our services and other videos on our YouTube channel.


Find out more about our social justice activities.

About Us

Christ Lutheran Church Natick (CLC) welcomes all to experience love and renewal through worship and a creative community so that together we can share God’s love and grace in service to the world.

We extend God’s own welcome regardless of race, ethnicity, ability, economic status, or other human distinction. As a Reconciling in Christ congregation, we offer a particular welcome to all gender identities, gender expressions, sexual orientations, and we commit to racial equity.

Upcoming Events

Sunday, February 9: Semi-Annual Meeting, Part the First

Wednesday, March 5: Ash Wednesday